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Clean Energy

& Public Policy

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to pursue policy and purchasing changes that will increase our town’s use of renewable and clean energy and reduce our use of fossil fuels so Marblehead can achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040.


Now that Marblehead has set a goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, the next step is to develop a climate action plan to make that goal a reality. To address this urgent need, the Green Marblehead Committee created a sustainability visioning document and plan. Click here to read it.



Sustainable Marblehead has recommended that the town hire a sustainability manager to work with town departments and residents to reduce our use of fossil fuels and transition to clean, green energy. Other towns have found that funding such a position saves money far beyond the salary and benefit costs while also reducing carbon emissions.


Electric Grid

Given the move to electrify transportation and home heating, it is important that our sources of electricity are carbon free. Currently, Marblehead’s electric supply is 47.9% carbon-free — so more work is needed.


EVs &

Since more than a quarter of our carbon emissions come from the cars we drive, transitioning to electric vehicles is an important part of our effort to become carbon free. We are encouraging residents to go electric, and MMLD is working to expand the number of public EV chargers. For information on costs and rebates:


Green Energy Consumers

Mass. Offers Rebates - EV

Municipal Light EV Incentives


Save Energy,
Save Money
Protect the
Planet Talk

Click on the links below for the video and documents from the November 13, 2022, talk, "Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Planet," sponsored by Sustainable Marblehead and the Unitarian Church.


Click here for video. 

Click on the following links for documents: PowerPoint presentationAir Source Heat Pump Fact SheetASHP Assessment ProgramNextZero BrochureElectrify Your HouseHomeowner Checklist


SM Position
on Peaker

Sustainable Marblehead recognizes MMWEC’s obligation to provide adequate power to meet peak demand. At the same time, the cost and capacity of battery storage has changed dramatically during the six years since the project was first designed in 2015. Click here for recent article.


We request that MMWEC further pause this project and allow for third-party analysis.

Click here for the full statement

Recent Accomplishments


Sponsored and passed two warrant articles at Town Meeting, one setting a goal of using 100% carbon-free energy in electricity production, building energy use, and transportation, and another implementing stricter energy efficiency standards for new residential construction. 


Assisted in the town creating the Green Marblehead Committee and developed a Climate Action Plan Framework to help guide the committee in its work. Our two representatives helped develop the committee's visioning document, Marblehead Climate Vision: Charting a Path to Carbon Neutrality by 2024, which was adopted unanimously by the Board of Selectmen. The next step is for the town to develop a climate action plan. 

To read the town visioning document, click here. To read our Climate Action Plan Framework click here



Participated in meetings to identify the town's greatest climate-related vulnerabilities and develop a plan to address them. 

To read Marblehead's Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Report click here. 


Worked with the Marblehead Municipal Light Department (MMLD) on a proposal to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to identify the best locations for in-town  renewable energy projects. As a result of the study, MMLD is looking at installing solar panels on the roof of the new Brown Elementary School and developing a solar array on town owned-land.  

Worked with MMLD on a grant proposal to fund public electric vehicle charging stations. As a result of the grant the town received, new charging stations were installed at Roundhouse Road and the Mary Alley Municipal Building in addition to the two public chargers already available in the MMLD parking lot. With the help of MMLD, the town has also purchased its first electric vehicle. 

Join Us

Meet time: First Mondays of most months, 7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom
Leader(s): Eileen Haley Mathieu

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