Climate Action Plan Framework
Marblehead is our home. But our town is now at great risk from the climate crisis. To preserve our past and maintain our current quality of life, we must work immediately to protect our future.
The vision of a climate-smart Marblehead forms the basis for this Framework for a Carbon-Free Marblehead 2040. It describes how the town and its residents can work to meet the challenge of the climate emergency, by making a successful transition from a town run on fossil fuels to one based on carbon-free and renewable energy.
Marblehead and all who live and work here must take responsibility for our climate. We implore town officials and leaders to understand the urgency of our situation and make bold decisions that break free from our longtime paradigm that the future will be largely the same as the past. Residents need to make informed choices in their daily lives. This framework lays down a minimum level for these efforts, and puts Marblehead on a path to be the first carbon-free community in Massachusetts.
To those who may say that such change is not possible, we say that the dire consequences of not making the needed changes are unthinkable.
This framework lays out the tools we need to become a carbon-free town – a town that can meet its needs now without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is the foundation upon which a sustainable Marblehead will be built. We’re all in this together, and we must begin now!
To read the full report, please click here.