Past Events

Collaborative Planting at Chandler Hovey Park
Watch a video about native plantings going in at Chandler Hovey Park. A great collaboration between Sustainable Marblehead, Marblehead Parks Dept, and Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School. Video courtesy of James Maroney of Marblehead TV.
4/24/23, 4:00 PM

Green Homes Tour
Sustainable Marblehead’s first annual Green Homes Tour on April 8, 2023 showcased 11 upgraded homes, where visitors could see energy efficient technologies in action and talk to the homeowners who installed them. The online tour book is available at sustainablemarblehead.org/greenhomestour.
4/8/23, 4:00 PM

Local Authors Confront Climate
At an in-person event at the Old Town House on January 26, 2023, local authors Julia Glass and Patricia Hanlon discussed fiction, memoir and how storytelling can inspire climate action, reading from their books Vigil Harbor and Swimming to the Top of the Tide, respectively. Library Director Kimberly Grad moderated.
1/27/23, 12:00 AM

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Planet
With energy prices rising, Sustainable Marblehead and the Unitarian Church cosponsor a panel discussion on ways you can save energy. Lisa Wolf, member of the Marblehead Light Commission, and Mark Adams, Chair of Sustainable Marblehead's Green Homes and Buildings Working Group, fill you in on steps you can take to conserve energy and prepare your home for the winter.
11/13/22, 8:00 PM

Green Home Heating
Learn how, as a homeowner, you can reduce your carbon footprint by installing minisplits, or air source heat pumps, and what incentives are available to help with financing. Presented by: Stephen Shinopoulos of HomeWorks Energy and Mike Cappucio of NETR, with a case study by Sustainable Marblehead member Mark Adams.
5/11/22, 11:00 PM

Coastal Communities Talk Water
An evening of community connection, music, and action-oriented education. Local experts, including Sustainable Marblehead's Steve Wolf, give Ted Talk-style presentations on what we can do to support sustainable freshwater and marine ecosystems, critical to the long-term health and climate resilience of our region.
3/10/22, 11:00 PM