All homes are open on May 4 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with a link to the virtual tour book and a map of the residences. Docents will greet you at each home. Please visit at any time during the four-hour window.
50 Rockaway Ave
Homeowners: Simon and Kaya Frechette
Neighborhood: Clifton
Green Technologies: Mini-splits, solar, Electric Vehicle charger
24 Central St
Homeowners: Sam and Vivian Bennett
Neighborhood: Shipyard
Green Technologies: Air Source Heat Pump, solar, hybrid electric heat pump and water heater
34 Pinecliff Dr
Homeowners: Jane and George Hooper
Neighborhood: Wyman Woods
Green Technologies: Tesla Solar Glass Roof
56 Norman St
Homeowners: Sabin and Kurt James
Neighborhood: Old Town
Green Technologies: Air Source Heat Pump for heat, Electric Vehicle charger
28 Naugus Ave
Homeowners: Ed and Frances Nilsson
Neighborhood: Naugus Head
Green Technologies: Three generations of solar collectors, Air Source Heat Pump with air handler, and an induction stove
44 Longview Dr
Homeowners: Eileen Haley Mathieu and Owen Mathieu
Neighborhood: Longview
Green Technologies: Mini-splits, Electric Vehicle charger, insulation
53 Longview Dr
Homeowners: Palma Bickford and Douglas Steely
Neighborhood: Longview
Green Technologies: Water with Air to Water Heat Pump, High Velocity Air Handler, Insulation, Electric Vehicle charger, no fossil fuels, radiant floor
10 Longview Dr West
Homeowners: Dylan and Linda Vizy
Neighborhood: Longview
Green Technologies: Solar, Air Source Heat Pump, Mini-splits, Electric Vehicle charger, all electric appliances
10 Surf St
Homeowner: Lynn Nadeau
Neighborhood: Clifton near Preston Beach
Green Technologies: Tankless hot water heater, Induction stove, Energy-free clothes drying, Heat pump utilizing existing ductwork
66 Pitman Rd
Homeowners: Lisa and Steve Wolf
Neighborhood: Naugus Head
Green Technologies: Fully Net Zero House, solar, Electric Vehicle charger
19 Russell St
Homeowners: John Livermore and Kelley O’Malley
Neighborhood: Old Town
Green Technologies: Rooftop solar, Heat pump water heater with CO2 refrigerant
5 Whittier Rd
Homeowners: David and Damaris Berner
Neighborhood: Naugus Head
Green Technologies: Mitsubishi hyperheat heat pump for cold weather environments, 6 in-room mini-splits, rooftop solar, heat pump hot water heater, and an induction stove.